Last Minute Halloween Gathering
This is not like me. I usually plan at least a month ahead for a get together, but at the last minute my husband and I decided to have a few people over to pass out candy and drink some wine. And when I say "last minute", I mean two days before. Granted this was not going to be a full blown party with tons of friends, but our home was not even festive, except for a small pumpkin I had painted and an old skull vodka bottle.

I had to create a semi-appropriate Halloween get together, so I headed to dollar tree for decor. ALL out. Then I hopped over to Michael's Craft Store. Perfect! I found skull treat bags and a Halloween banner kit all 70% off. My husband bought candy, pumpkins, wine, and some snacks. We filled the treat bags with everyone's favorite candy and wrote their names on each bag. I tried baking triple layer pumpkin brownies, but they turned into more of a double layer instead and had some chips and guacamole to munch on. As a table centerpiece, I had some Day of the Dead postcards I had received in a gift bag that I spread out underneath my glass skull. I had bought some marigolds for a little more decor and festiveness. Lastly, we put some pumpkins outside and some spooky tunes on the speaker. We were all set for a simple and intimate Halloween gathering!
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